Monday, February 14, 2011

Cells - 3rd Grade

Cells-3rd Grade
 Indicators, and Objectives for this unit

1. Explore the world of minute living thingsto describe what they look like, how they live, and how they interact with their environment.
   a. Use magnifying instruments to observe and describe using drawing or text (oral or written) minute organisms , such as brine shrimp, algae, aphids, etc. that are found in different environments.
   b. Describe any observable activity displayed by these organisms.
   c. Provide reasons that support the conclusion that these organisms are alive.
   d. Use information gathered about these minute organisms to compare mechanisms they have to satisfy their basic needs to those used by larger
   e. Minute things have unique characteristics
-Minute living things perform basic life functions such as feeding and motion.
Minute living things have different characteristics, habitats, and ways of interacting with their environment.

A cell is the smallest basic unit of a living thing. Humans are made up of billions of cells that work together to create tissue, muscles, organs, and complex systems that allow us to live life healthy lives. Without cells our body would not exist. Without cells, no species in the world would be alive today.

Assignment=Please copy this graphic organizer and complete it in your journal from the reading above.

In 1839 Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden formulated (created) what is called the cell theory. 

The cell theory states that all living things are made up of one or more cells. An organism, which is another word for a living thing, that is made up of one cell is unicellular. 

Different forms of bacteria such as the amoeba are unicellular. An organism that is made up of more then one cell is multi-cellular. Humans, other mammals, birds, reptiles, plants, and many other organisms are multi-cellular.

Assignment=Please copy this graphic organizer and complete it in your journal from the reading above.

Assignment= Explain in your journal what Cell Theory  is

The cell theory also states that new cells are produced by cells that have already formed. Additionally, Schwann and Schleiden believed that cells contain the information that is passed on to new generations of cells. This includes information on heredity that will pass on to the offspring of the original organism. So, your parents� cells passed on information which was used to make your cells when you were a developing embryo and fetus.
The final part of the cell theory states that any function that is vital to life within an organism occurs in the cells. Today, we know this is true since we�ve been able to examine cells at microscopic levels. This is something that was virtually unheard of when the cell theory was being developed. 

Assignment=Please copy this graphic organizer and complete it in your journal from the reading above.

Click the middle of the square to watch the ameoba movie.  Take notes about it's movement in your journal.


By Brandi Waters

1     Cells are a part of every living thing. Just like atoms are the building blocks of matter, cells are the building blocks of living things. Some living things are made of only one cell. Most of the germs that can make us sick are made of only a single cell. Other living things are made of many, many cells. Trillions of cells come together to build a human being!

Copyright © 2011 edHelper

Assignment=Please copy this graphic organizer and complete it in your journal from the reading above.

Assignment= Please copy this quiz into your journal and complete it there.

Date ___________________

1.  What are cells?
  All the same
  Only able to be seen using a microscope
  The building blocks of living things
  The building blocks of matter
2.  ______ is made up of only a single cell.
  A rock
  An egg
  A human
  All of the above


3.  ______ of cells come together to build a human being.
4.  All cells ______.
  Can take in nutrients and turn them into energy
  Can move
  Work together to perform a job
  All of the above
5.  Most of the germs that can make us sick are made of only one cell.
6.  ______ cells are different from animal cells.

In your journal, The story compared cells with atoms. How are cells and atoms the same? How are cells and atoms different? (Please answer in a 2-5 sentence paragraph)

List three things that all cells have in common or that are the same. (Please answer in a 2-5 sentence paragraph)

What is a cell? (Please answer in a 2-5 sentence paragraph)

The amoeba is a tiny, one-celled organism. You need a microscope to see most amoebas - the largest are only about 1 mm across. Amoebas live in fresh water (like puddles and ponds), in salt water, in wet soil, and in animals (including people). There are many different types of amoebas. The name amoeba comes from the Greek word amoibe, which means change. (Amoeba is sometimes spelled ameba.)
Anatomy: An amoeba consists of a single blobby cell surrounded by a porous cell membrane. The amoeba "breathes" using this membrane - oxygen gas from the water passes in to the amoeba through the cell membrane and carbon dioxide gas leaves through it. A complex, jelly-like series of folded membranes called cytoplasm fills most of the cell. A large, disk-shaped nucleus within the amoeba controls the growth and reproduction of the amoeba.
Diet: Amoebas eat algae, bacteria, plant cells, and microscopic protozoa and metazoa - some amoebas are parasites. They eat by surrounding tiny particles of food with pseudopods, forming a bubble-like food vacuole. The food vacuole digests the food. Wastes and excess water are transported outside the cell by contractile vacuoles.
Locomotion: Amoebas move by changing the shape of their body, forming pseudopods (temporary foot-like structures). The word pseudopod means "false foot."
Reproduction: Amoebas reproduce asexually by binary fission. A parent cell divides (the nucleus also divides in a process called fission) and produces two smaller copies of itself.
Classification: Eukaryota (organisms with nucleated cells), Kingdom Protista (flagellates, amoebae, algae, and parasitic protists), Phylum Protozoa (single-celled organisms), Class Sarcodina (having pseudopods).Copyright ©2001-2010 ------ How to cite a web page

Assignment=Please copy this graphic organizer and complete it in your journal from the reading above.


Grade Level: Middle/ Upper Level -Elementary School
Periods: 4-40 minutes
To observe the wealth of living organisms in a drop of water from our freshwater ecosystems
To classify the types of organisms observed as single-celled or multi-cellular
Use a key or chart to identify and name the organisms found


            Ecologists divide freshwater ecosystems into bodies of running water and bodies of standing water.  In the latter the current slows and most suspended particles settle to the bottom. Lakes and ponds are bodies of standing water that will serve as the sources for water samples to investigate freshwater ecosystems.

            Protists, which comprise many of the organisms found in the water samples, are mostly single-celled microscopic organisms.  They have a nucleus and other cell parts. There are three groups of protists: protozoans (animal-like protists), algae (plant-like protists), and fungi.


Pond water, lake water, microscopes, slides, cover slips, droppers, paper towels, small dishes, key of freshwater microorganisms (obtained from a book such as one of the references listed below)


  1. Teacher will collect enough pond/lake water in order for each student to have his/her own sample.
  2. Review usage and handling of a microscope during period 1.
  3. Explain the steps for preparing a slide (period 1).  Each student will be required to prepare a slide using the water sample(s).  Place a drop of water on the slide and cover with coverslip, make sure no air bubbles are present.
  4. Observe the slide under the low power objective lens and search for protists. Watch also for movement.
  5. When you find some protists that are not moving or moving slowly switch to the high power objective lens.
  6. Draw your protists within circles (about 8 cm in diameter) drawn on sheets of paper.
  7. Note the eyepiece and objective lens magnifications and calculate total magnification. This is the eyepiece magnification times the magnification of the objective lens (both should be marked right on the lenses).

NOTE: Pond water can be simulated by preparing a culture of hay infusion.   Method:  Fill a large jar about two-thirds full of tap water. Let it stand uncovered for three or four days so that air can dissolve in it. Cut some hay or dried grass into short pieces and drop two handfuls into the water. Cover the jar and allow the culture to incubate about two weeks.  When the culture is ready, examine several drops taken from different parts of the jar.

Performance Assessment:

Draw and label living organism observed under the microscope.
Use the key to identify and group organism(s) found in the water samples.


With all life, irrespective of scale, there is a continual struggle and competition for survival.  A pond is a miniature cosmos.  A diverse range of living forms, both animal and plant, compete for energy supplies, food, space, and other resources.

Assignment= Please copy this quiz into your journal and complete it there.

By Brandi Waters






Directions:  Fill in each blank with the word that best completes the reading comprehension.

     Cells are a part of every living(1)  _______________________  . Just like atoms are the(2)  _______________________   blocks of(3)  _______________________  , cells are the building blocks of living things. Some living things are made of only one cell. Most of the germs that can make us sick are made of only a(4)  _______________________   cell. (5)  _______________________   living things are made of many, many cells. Trillions of cells come together to (6)  _______________________   a human being!
     Most cells are very small. They are so small that you cannot see them without a microscope. There are a few cells, though, that are big enough to easily see. An egg, like you might eat for breakfast, is one very(7)  _______________________   (8)  _______________________  .
     There are many different kinds of cells. Plant cells are(9)  _______________________   from the cells of animals. Some cells are(10)  _______________________  . Some cells work together to(11)  _______________________   a job. Some cells can(12)  _______________________  . Some cells can glow in the dark! Each type of cell is different, but there are some(13)  _______________________   that all cells have in common. All cells are covered by a membrane that helps to protect the cell and hold it together. All cells are (14)  _______________________   to(15)  _______________________  . All (16)  _______________________   can take in nutrients and turn them into (17)  _______________________  . All cells respond to changes inside and around them. Cells are(18)  _______________________  !

Copyright © 2011 edHelper

Assignment= Please copy this quiz into your journal and complete it there.


1.  What are cells?
  All the same
  The building blocks of matter
  Only able to be seen using a microscope
  The building blocks of living things
2.  ______ is made up of only a single cell.
  A rock
  An egg
  A human
  All of the above


3.  ______ of cells come together to build a human being.
4.  All cells ______.
  Can take in nutrients and turn them into energy
  Can move
  Work together to perform a job
  All of the above
5.  Most of the germs that can make us sick are made of only one cell.
6.  ______ cells are different from animal cells.


Bacteria are microscopic (very tiny) organisms that are unicellular (made up of a single cell). Bacterium is the term for a single bacteria.
Evolution of Bacteria: These primitive organisms were among the first to appear on Earth; bacteria evolved roughly 3.5 billion years ago. The oldest-known fossils are those of bacteria-like organisms.
Discovery of Bacteria: Bacteria were unknown to people until the 1600s, when Antony van Leeuwenhoek first observed them in his newly-made microscope.
Cells of Bacteria: The cells of bacteria are different from those of plants and animals in many ways, the most obvious of which is that bacteria lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles (except ribosomes). Unlike animals and plants, bacteria have pili, flagella, and most have a cell capsule. 

Assignment=Please copy this graphic organizer and complete it in your journal from the reading above.

Bacterial cells include the following:
basal body - A structure that anchors the base of the flagellum and allows it to rotate.
capsule - A layer on the outside of the cell wall. Most but not all bacteria have a capsule.
cell wall - A thin membrane located outside the plasma membrane and within the capsule.
DNA - The genetic material of the bacterium; it is located within the cytoplasm.
cytoplasm - The jellylike material inside the plasma membrane in which the genetic material and ribosomes are located.
flagellum - A long whip-like structure used for locomotion (movement). Some bacteria have more than one flagellum.
pili - (singular is pilus) Hair-like projections that allow bacterial cells to stick to surfaces and transfer DNA to one another.
plasma membrane - A permeable membrane located within the cell wall. It serves many functions for the cell, including energy generation and transport of chemicals .
ribosomes - Small organelles composed of RNA-rich granules that are sites of protein synthesis. The ribosomes are located within the cytoplasm.
Diet: Bacteria have a wide range of diets. Some are heterotrophs (they eat other organisms) and others are autotrophs (they make their own food)

Where are Bacteria Found: Bacteria are found almost everywhere on Earth, including in the seas and lakes, on all continents (including Antarctica), in thesoil, and in tissues of plants and animals.

Assignment=Please copy this graphic organizer and complete it in your journal from the reading above.

In your journal, write a paragraph using all of the words that are given.

1.  cell, large, different, move  

2.  without, turn, plant, microscope, easily  

          Please Read This Article
Algae, Our Oxygen Suppliers 
By Cindy Grigg

1     Algae are tiny plant-like living things. Some algae live on land. They grow with lichens on rocks. Most algae live in water. At one time, algae were thought to be plants. But they are different from plants. Algae don't have roots, stems, or true leaves. Algae do have chlorophyll. Like plants, they use sunlight to make their own food. In the process, they make oxygen.
 2     Did you know that most of our oxygen is made by algae? How can this be? You might ask what about trees and other land plants? But remember that oceans cover about 71% of the Earth. Land only makes up about 29% of Earth's surface. Also remember that there are large chunks of land that don't have many plants at all. Antarctica and many large deserts have few plants growing there. Experts say that about 70 to 80 percent of our oxygen comes from algae! Some people think that algae are the most important living things on Earth!

Assignment=Please copy this graphic organizer and complete it in your journal from the reading above.

 3     Algae can be only one cell. Some algae are made of many cells. Most algae get their name from the color they appear. There are three main kinds: brown, red, and green algae. In freshwater ponds and lakes, the most common kind is green algae. Green algae grow on or near the surface where there's plenty of sunlight. The green color comes from chlorophyll.
 4     In the ocean, though, most algae are the brown kind. Red algae mostly live in deeper water where there is less sunlight. Since algae are so small, you don't see them when you look at the ocean. But don't forget they're in there! Next time you breathe in, thank the algae!

Copyright © 2011 edHelper

Assignment=Please copy this graphic organizer and complete it in your journal from the reading above.

Assignment= Copy these questions and your answers in your journal

Date ___________________
Algae, Our Oxygen Suppliers

1.  Algae are plants.
2.  Most algae live ______.
  On land
  In water
3.  Algae are different from plants because ______.
  They don't have roots.
  They don't have stems.
  They don't have true leaves.
  All of the above
4.  Algae are like plants because ______.
  They use sunlight to make their own food.
  Like plants, they make oxygen.
  Both A and B
  Algae are not like plants at all.
5.  It makes sense that algae in the oceans make more oxygen than land plants because ______.


Algae, Our Oxygen Suppliers
In your journal, Write at least five sentences telling facts about algae.

Algae, Our Oxygen Suppliers
In your journal, Write a story about algae. Use your imagination and vivid words to describe things in your story. Length 80+ words

Assignment: Watch the video that is in the middle of the title. Click the arrow and then take between 5-20 notes from the  movie  in your journal.

Algae, Our Oxygen Suppliers 
By Cindy Grigg






Directions:  Copy and put in journal.
Then fill in each blank with the word that best completes the reading comprehension.

     Algae are tiny plant-like (1)  _______________________   things. Some algae live on land. They grow with lichens on rocks. Most algae live in water. At one time, algae were thought to be plants. But they are different from plants. Algae don't have (2)  _______________________  , stems, or(3)  _______________________   leaves. Algae do have (4)  _______________________  . Like plants, they use sunlight to make their own food. In the (5)  _______________________  , they make oxygen.
     Did you know that most of our oxygen is made by algae? How can this be? You might ask what about trees and other land plants? But (6)  _______________________   that (7)  _______________________   cover about 71% of the Earth. Land only makes up about 29% of Earth's surface. Also remember that there are (8)  _______________________   chunks of land that don't have many plants at all. Antarctica and many large(9)  _______________________   have few plants growing there. Experts say that about 70 to 80 percent of our oxygen comes from algae! Some people think that algae are the most important living things on Earth!
     Algae can be only one (10)  _______________________  . Some algae are made of many(11)  _______________________  . Most algae get their name from the color they appear. There are three main kinds: brown, red, and green algae. In freshwater ponds and lakes, the most common kind is green algae. Green algae grow on or(12)  _______________________   the surface where there's plenty of sunlight. The green color comes from chlorophyll.
     In the (13)  _______________________  , (14)  _______________________  , most algae are the brown kind. Red algae mostly live in deeper (15)  _______________________   where there is less sunlight. Since algae are so small, you don't see them when you look at the ocean. But don't (16)  _______________________   they're in there! Next(17)  _______________________   you breathe in, thank the algae!

Copyright © 2011 edHelper

Assignment= Please copy this quiz into your journal and complete it there.

POST TEST   Algae, Our Oxygen Suppliers

1.  Algae are plants.
2.  Most algae live ______.
  On land
  In water
3.  Algae are different from plants because ______.
  They don't have roots.
  They don't have stems.
  They don't have true leaves.
  All of the above
4.  Algae are like plants because ______.
  They use sunlight to make their own food.
  Like plants, they make oxygen.
  Both A and B
  Algae are not like plants at all.

In your journal, Use the following syllables to fill in the blanks and form words. Cross off each syllable after you use it.
1.___ ___ ___ ___ ___  + ___ ___  + ___ ___ ___ 
2.___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 
3.___ ___ ___  + ___ ___ ___ ___ 
4.___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 
5.___ ___ ___ ___ 
6.___ ___ ___  + ___ ___ ___ ___ 
7.___ ___ ___  + ___ ___ 
8.___ ___ ___ ___ 
9.___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 
10.___ ___  + ___ ___ ___  + ___ ___ ___ ___ 
11.___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 
12.___ ___ ___ ___  + ___ ___ 
Assignment: Watch the video that is to the right.   Click the arrow and then take between 5-20 notes from the  movie  in your journal.

___ ___ ___  + ___ ___

White Blood Cells 
By Brandi Waters

1     Caption: Frog blood cells; the white blood cells are the round, dark ones in the center of the picture.
 2     Red blood cells give your blood its red color. They carry oxygen from your lungs to all of the cells in your body. However, there is more to your blood than just red blood cells. More than half of your blood is made up of a liquid called plasma. It is mostly water, but it is very important. Plasma helps your blood to flow. It allows your heart to pump your blood through your blood vessels. Red blood cells make up most of the remaining part of your blood, but there are other important blood components. One of these is white blood cells.
 3     White blood cells may seem a little out of place in your blood. They have little in common with red blood cells. Their job has nothing to do with the heart or blood vessels. White blood cells are like soldiers. Their job is to protect you from invaders. White blood cells fight germs that try to enter your body. Germs can get into your body through the air that you breathe and through the things that you eat or drink. They can also get into your body through a cut on your skin. White blood cells are always looking out for germs. If they find a germ (or many germs), they can call for help and more white blood cells will come to help. If there is an accident and you have a cut, white blood cells can also help to prevent germs from getting inside your body. They move quickly to the area that is hurt. They help keep the area clean, help your body to heal, and kill germs.
 4     Normally, there are not very many white blood cells in your blood. If you need them, your body can make more. If you get a small cut on your knee, you will need a few more white blood cells to help the cut heal and to kill germs. If you get sick with the flu, you will need a lot more white blood cells. After the threat has passed, some white blood cells can remember what the invader looked like. These white blood cells can react very quickly if that type of germ ever returns. They can act so quickly that they can kill the germ before it can make you sick!

Copyright © 2011 edHelper

Assignment= Please copy this quiz into your journal and complete it there.


White Blood Cells

1.  ______ makes up more than half of your blood.
  White blood cells
  Red blood cells
2.  White blood cells ______.
  Carry oxygen to your cells
  Fight germs
  Help your blood flow
  All of the above
3.  What is the job of a white blood cell?

4.  Your body makes more white blood cells ______.
  When you have a cut
  When you get sick
  When you need them
  All of the above
5.  What can some white blood cells do that protects you from getting sick from the same type of germ a second time?


Date ___________________
White Blood Cells
Doctors can count the number of white blood cells in your blood to help them find out what is wrong with a patient. Explain in your journal, What does it mean if a patient has a large number of white blood cells in their blood? What does it mean if there are a small number of white blood cells in their blood?

White Blood Cells
Imagine that you do not have any white blood cells. Explain in your journal how that would affect your life. What could you do to protect yourself?

White Blood Cells 
By Brandi Waters





Directions: Assignment= Please copy this quiz into your journal and complete it there. Fill in each blank with the word that best completes the reading comprehension.

     Caption: Frog blood cells; the white blood cells are the round, dark ones in the center of the picture.
     Red blood cells give your blood its red color. They carry oxygen from your lungs to all of the cells in your body. However, there is more to your blood than just red blood cells. More than (1)  _______________________   of your blood is made up of a liquid called plasma. It is mostly (2)  _______________________  , but it is very important. Plasma helps your(3)  _______________________   to flow. It allows your heart to(4)  _______________________   your blood through your blood vessels. Red blood cells make up most of the remaining part of your blood, but there are other important blood components. One of these is white blood cells.
     White blood cells may seem a little out of (5)  _______________________   in your blood. They have little in(6)  _______________________   with red blood cells. Their job has (7)  _______________________   to do with the heart or blood vessels. White blood cells are like soldiers. Their job is to protect you from (8)  _______________________  . White blood cells fight germs that try to enter your body. Germs can get into your body through the air that you breathe and(9)  _______________________   the things that you eat or drink. They can also get into your body through a cut on your skin. White blood cells are always looking out for germs. If they find a germ (or many germs), they can call for help and more white blood cells will come to help. If there is an (10)  _______________________   and you have a cut, white blood cells can(11)  _______________________   help to prevent germs from getting inside your body. They(12)  _______________________   quickly to the area that is hurt. They help keep the area clean, help your body to heal, and kill germs.
     Normally, there are not very many white blood cells in your blood. If you need them, your body can make more. If you get a small cut on your (13)  _______________________  , you will need a few more white blood cells to help the cut heal and to kill germs. If you get sick with the flu, you will need a lot more white blood cells. After the threat has passed, some white blood cells can remember what the invader looked like. These white blood cells can react very quickly if that type of germ ever returns. They can act so quickly that they can (14)  _______________________   the germ before it can make you sick!

Copyright © 2011 edHelper

Assignment= Please copy this quiz into your journal and complete it there.

White Blood Cells

1.  ______ makes up more than half of your blood.
  Red blood cells
  White blood cells
2.  White blood cells ______.
  Carry oxygen to your cells
  Fight germs
  Help your blood flow
  All of the above
3.  What is the job of a white blood cell?

4.  Your body makes more white blood cells ______.
  When you have a cut
  When you get sick
  When you need them
  All of the above


In your journal, Use the following syllables to fill in the blanks and form words. Cross off each syllable after you use it.

1.___ ___ ___ ___ 
2.___ ___ ___ ___ 
3.___ ___ ___ ___ 
4.___ ___ ___  + ___ ___ 
5.___ ___ ___ ___ 
6.___ ___ ___ ___ 
7.___ ___ ___  + ___ ___ ___ ___ 
8.___ ___ ___ ___ 
9.___ ___ ___ ___ 
10.___ ___ ___ ___  + ___ ___ 
___ ___ ___  + ___ ___ ___ 
___ ___  + ___ ___ ___  + ___ ___ ___ 
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 


  In water


  Both A and B
 because ______.

Assignment: Watch these 2 videos that are below Click the arrows and then take between 5-20 notes from the  movies  in your journal.

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